Contact Emily

To contact Emily Colson

Contact Emily on Facebook:


Emily Colson

182 Summer Street

Suite 6-120

Kingston, MA 02364

9 thoughts on “Contact Emily

  1. Mark Hubbell

    Hi Emily!

    These cards are spectacular! I don’t know why, but I’ve never been to your “store” before. It just radiates the love of Christ!

    I do have a question too. I’m not real familiar with PayPal, and was wondering if I can purchase materials with a credit card, money order, or check as another option. If the answer is no, then I will have to learn how to use PayPal!

    God bless you dear sister! And God bless Max!

    In HIm,

  2. Mark Hubbell

    HI Emily!

    Thanks for letting me send you a check for these four card sets:
    1 box of Rejoice
    1 box of Hope
    1 box of Peace
    1 box of Joy

    I’ll send the check as soon as I get the total from you!

    And I’m going to order some more with a credit card for my Prison Fellowship work too. I’ll use the card for that!

    God bless you!


  3. Sue Walter

    Hello, I just read your story thru Breakpoint Daily, the Chuck Colson Center. Amazing story, testimony of God’s love and how he uses broken-ness. I am interested in the yard signs, would you be able to send me those as well? I live in California. We need those beautiful signs. A touch of God’s love can ignite an amazing firestorm of hope, resilience, kindness and a reaching out to share who our God is.
    He shows up. He is amazing. Thank you for your ministry, love to Max.

    1. emily Post author

      Hi Sue, Thanks so much for your kind message. And thanks for listening to Breakpoint! We were thrilled to have Heart by Max featured yesterday!! We don’t actually sell the yard signs, not at this point. Max loves to hand paint the signs and plant them himself. He always gives them away. It’s a lovely part of this mission. Maybe we need to think about printing some!! They are beautiful, and yes…they shine with God’s love. We need that right now.
      I love how you worded this – He shows up. He is amazing. Yes and amen. Thank you Sue! Blessings

    1. emily Post author

      Hi Laurie, We only have Pay Pal set up on the website.
      I’m sorry it’s limited. I think the website might also give you the option to pay with a credit card. I hope I’m right.
      Thank you so much, Laurie. You can also contact me through my email.

    1. emily Post author

      HI Becky, We are selling onesie t-shirts right now, but plan to launch larger t-shirts in the next few weeks. Please check back!! Thank you!!


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